Ocean County Coroners and Medical Examiners are responsible for determining a deceased person's cause, time, and manner of death in Ocean County, NJ. They also maintain Ocean County death records, including information that is filed with state or local government authorities. These death records include information about how the deceased individual passed away, the time and place of death, and any personal information available, such as the individual's name, date of birth, and age at death. Coroners and Medical Examiners make Ocean County death record information available to the public through online databases.
Ocean County Medical Examiner Toms River NJ 175 Sunset Avenue 08755 732-341-3424 Suggest Edit
Ocean County Clerks are responsible for maintaining and preserving public records for a local government in Ocean County, NJ. As part of this job, Clerks often keep Ocean County vital records, including death records. This can include Ocean County death certificates, death registries, information about the time, place, and cause of death, and the deceased individual's name, parents' names, and age at death. Clerks also issue certified death certificates, which are often required to settle financial and legal matters such as wills, estates, and filing for life insurance. These records can also be used for Ocean County genealogical research, and some Clerks maintain vital records that date back to 1630. Clerks often provide online access to death records.
Barnegat Light Clerk Barnegat Light NJ 10 West 10th Street 08006 609-494-9196 Suggest Edit
Barnegat Township Clerk Barnegat NJ 900 West Bay Avenue 08005 609-698-0080 Suggest Edit
Beach Haven Clerk Beach Haven NJ 300 Engleside Avenue 08008 609-492-4548 Suggest Edit
Brick Township Clerk Brick NJ 401 Chambersbridge Road 08723 732-262-2925 Suggest Edit
Mantoloking Borough Clerk Mantoloking NJ 202 Downer Avenue 08738 732-899-6600 Suggest Edit
Ocean County Clerk Toms River NJ 118 Washington Street 08753 732-929-2018 Suggest Edit
Ocean County Clerk Toms River NJ 101 Hooper Avenue 08753 732-929-4749 Suggest Edit
Ocean Gate City Clerk Ocean Gate NJ 151 East Longport Avenue 08740 732-269-3466 Suggest Edit
Pine Beach City Clerk Pine Beach NJ 599 Pennsylvania Avenue 08741 732-349-6425 Suggest Edit
Point Pleasant Beach Clerk Point Pleasant Beach NJ 416 New Jersey Avenue 08742 732-892-1118 Suggest Edit
Seaside Park Clerk Seaside Park NJ 1701 N Ocean Ave 08752 732-793-0234 Suggest Edit
South Toms River Clerk South Toms River NJ 144 Mill Street 08757 732-349-0403 Suggest Edit
Toms River County Clerk Lakewood NJ 225 4th Street 08701 732-370-8850 Suggest Edit
Toms River Township Clerk Toms River NJ 33 Washington Street 08753 732-341-1000 Suggest Edit
Tuckerton Borough Clerk Tuckerton NJ 140 East Main Street 08087 609-296-2701 Suggest Edit
Ocean County Health Departments operate at the state, county, and local level to monitor public health and enforce public health standards in Ocean County, NJ. As part of their responsibilities, Health Departments may maintain Ocean County death records, particularly related to infectious diseases that pose a public health risk. These death records may be in the form of Ocean County death registries or death record databases that include death statistics on common causes of death, death status, and cause of death information. The Health Department may also maintain death certificates in certain areas. Many of the Ocean County death records maintained by Health Departments are available through their websites.
Long Beach Island Health Department Long Beach NJ 11601 Long Beach Boulevard 08008 609-492-1212 Suggest Edit
Ocean County Health Department Toms River NJ 175 Sunset Avenue 08755 732-341-9700 Suggest Edit
Ocean County Cemeteries are burial sites that provide burial plots or internment facilities for deceased people in Ocean County, NJ. Cemeteries also maintain Ocean County death records for the individuals buried in their grounds, including the individual's name, date of death, and date of birth. Ocean County cemetery records may also list any known relatives of the deceased who are buried in the same location. These records can be an important source for genealogical research, particularly for cemeteries with a long history. Some Cemeteries provide online access to their records on their websites.
Manahawkin Saint Marys Cemetery Stafford NJ 283 Beachview Avenue 08050 609-597-8289 Suggest Edit
New Jersey Veterans Memorial Cemetery-Arneytown New Egypt NJ Province Line Road 08533 609-758-7250 Suggest Edit
Pine Forest Pet Cemetery Stafford NJ 1285 Grays Road 08005 609-698-7600 Suggest Edit
St Mary Of The Lake Cemetery And Mausoleum Lakewood NJ 1 Honey Locust Drive 08701 732-363-8262 Suggest Edit
St Mary-The Lake Cemetery Toms River NJ Honey Locust Drive 08755 732-905-0144 Suggest Edit
St Vladimirs Cemetery Jackson NJ 316 Cassville Road 08527 732-928-1010 Suggest Edit
Toms River Ocean County Memorial Park Cemetery Toms River NJ 1722 Silverton Road 08753 732-255-1870 Suggest Edit
Toms River Riverside Cemetery Toms River NJ 1001 New Jersey 166 08753 732-341-5941 Suggest Edit
Toms River St Josephs Cemetery Toms River NJ 56 Cedar Grove Road, 80 08753 732-244-3008 Suggest Edit
Tuckerton Greenwood Cemetery Lot Sales Tuckerton NJ 306 North Green Street 08087 609-296-2886 Suggest Edit
Waretown Ocean County Memorial Park Cemetery Ocean NJ 280 Wells Mill Road 08758 609-971-7777 Suggest Edit
White Cedars Memorial Park Cemetery Stafford NJ 1401 North Main Street 08050 609-607-8503 Suggest Edit